Cousin IT drives one – and I can see why


Everyone’s favorite spooky family the Adams Family’s weird Cousin It drives a KR200 Messerschmitt and you have just got to look at our photo to see why. It is bizarre! Messerschmitt were a famous German aircraft manufacturer but after the war they were not allowed to produce any more aircraft so they got into the car/bike business. The vehicle had a rear mounted 191 cc Sachs single cylinder two stroke engine and three wheels, and handle bar steering. It had a top speed of just over 60mph with good handling but the brakes were another thing, many needed brake upgrades just to make the machine stop. Later the company made 4 wheel version, and they also made prefabricated houses before being allowed to manufacture aircraft again in 1968. Cousin It wasn’t the only celebrity to drive one of these funny little vehicles, the King of Rock n’Roll Elvis Presley also had a red one in his extensive automotive collection. We took this picture at the Toyota Automotive Museum in Nagoya Japan where they have a huge showcase of iconic vehicles.

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